We are extremely excited to offer a variety of in studio classes this fall for our dance families. We want to make sure each and every student and staff member are healthy, and that we are able to continue in person classes for the full dance season.
Please see our COVID-19 procedures below. All procedures below will be updated if and when state guidelines change.
Last updated on 9/8/2021.

To allow for distanced entrance and cleaning in between classes, dancers should arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to the start of class. Dancers should arrive dressed for class with hair done, and should bring their own water bottles.
If you are dropping off a dancer who does not require assistance, please pull up to to the entrance on the left hand side of the building or find a parking spot and guide them to the entrance.
All dancers will enter the building from the left side entrance. This entrance is located on the left side of the building (when facing the building), where the fenced in walkway is. We ask that you all make a single file line starting at the end of the fence and wrapping down the hill (please keep in mind the physical distancing rule), but please do not enter the building until a staff member opens the door. This door will open 10 minutes before the start of class.
At this time, our waiting area is currently closed and we ask that all parents/guardians walk their dancer to the side entrance, drop off your child, and either wait in your car or drop off and pick up. However, if your dancer would feel more comfortable, one parent may accompany their dancer and maintain social distancing while waiting in our lobby. We are requiring the use of face coverings by everyone entering our building regardless of vaccination status.
Once your dancer, and any parent who accompanies their dancer, has entered the building, they will be asked to remove their street shoes and place them into the shoe rack. They will then be ushered to a bathroom to wash their hands and will be required to cleanse your hands upon arrival.
Dancers will be brought out by a faculty/staff member through our front door. Dancers will be dismissed individually and will wait inside the white lined area. Parents must pick up their dancer from this area. Dancers will not be let out into the parking lot on their own after class for safety reasons. Always come back to pick up your child on time. It is very unsettling for one child to be left when all the other parents have picked up their children. If teachers are teaching and staff members are working, it is not always possible for them to watch children who are not picked up promptly. We do not allow children to wait outside.
For safety, all students must wait inside the building. As you leave our parking lot, please remember to drive slowly and use extra caution as we have dancers and family members crossing.

We are requiring the use of face coverings by everyone entering our building regardless of vaccination status. We will keep a close eye on things, and this policy may be updated as we move forward in the season.
We have hand sanitizer in each studio, hallway, and front desk. Students will be asked to use it frequently. If you'd prefer your own, students are permitted to bring it in their dance bag. Our sanitizer does contain at least 70% alcohol.
We will be adjusting many things in our classroom to avoid contact. Students will not be permitted to hold hands, high five, or touch each other in any way. We will also ensure that they are not in close-proximity to each other.
Following the Maine DECD & CDC Guidelines, each studio will be cleaned and dance equipment will be disinfected between each class. Staff will be disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, common areas and equipment with disinfectant sprays and wipes frequently.
Any student, staff or parent that has flu-like symptoms, any symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, we ask that you please not attend class or enter the studio. We are encouraging dancers to cough and sneeze into their shirt or arms, not in their hands.
Please alert us if you, your child or family member does have COVID-19 and has been to the studio within the last 14 days so we can contact their peers.