December 10th, 2022 at 12:00pm
December 10th, 2022 at 3:00pm
Peakes Auditorium
Bangor High School
885 Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401
Paperwork Sent Home
Costume Balance and Show Info Handout (November 14th)
Video Order Form (November 14th)
Recital Volunteer Form (November 17th)
Full Rehearsal Schedule (December 1st)
December Newsletter (December 1st)
Ticket sales begin Wednesday, November 16, 2022. Tickets will be sold during rehearsal and at the door. Cash/Check payment only for ticket sales sold during rehearsal and at the door.
Ticket Prices
One Show
$15 - 13 years old and over
$10 - 3 to 12 years old
FREE – 2 year old and under
Two Shows (please email the studio if you'd like tickets to both shows)
$25 - 13 years old and over
$15 - 3 to 12 years old
FREE – 2 year old and under
Order tickets:
Online through our online store, found in your parent portal.
By emailing the studio at msdancestudio68@hotmail.com.
In person at the studio, during rehearsal and at the door before the show.
Online/credit card ticket sales will end on Thursday, December 8th. In person ticket sales will continue for each show right up until the shows begin (cash/check payment only).
If you are interested in being a backstage volunteer, please fill out the form above and return to your instructor or e-mail back to msdancestudio68@hotmail.com.
Backstage volunteers will be chosen by our staff. Backstage volunteer spots are limited according to class size.
Backstage & Volunteer Opportunities
Backstage Mom
Program/Ticket Sales/Seating
Dancer Check-In
Backstage Security
Age 3 through 2nd Grade & Mini Stars Team Members - Click Here
3rd to 4th Grade & Rising Stars Team Members - Click Here
5th to 8th Grade, Shooting Stars & Shining Stars Team Members - Click Here
9th Grade to Adults & Elite Stars Team Members - Click Here